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Representatives from DC Region Attend Boston College Summit on Hispanic Educators

In October, the Boston College Roche Center for Catholic Education hosted an energizing three-day conference, “Cultivating Talent: A National Summit on Hispanic Educators in Catholic Schools.” The conference brought together Catholic school leaders, teachers, superintendents, researchers, and university and philanthropy professionals to explore a national study published by the Roche Center earlier this year. The research conducted by Drs. Hosffman Ospino and Melodie Wyttenbach examines the unique assets of Hispanic teachers and leaders serving in Catholic schools and investigates pathways to attract and cultivate talent from the Hispanic community.

The Crimsonbridge Foundation partnered with the Roche Center to support the research and Summit as part of the Foundation’s Education Imperative program, a whole-community approach to building school communities that are welcoming and inclusive for Latino families. Six professionals from the Archdiocese of Washington, including two principals, an educator, and staff from the Catholic Schools Office, attended alongside Crimsonbridge Senior Program Officer Caitlin Mayo, who was also a panelist at the Summit. DC region participants appreciated the opportunity to network and build relationships with others from around the country, learn from experts, and return to work energized with new ideas.

For highlights from the summit, click here.


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