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“Protecting the environment and conserving the natural resources of our planet is the most urgent and far-reaching challenge for humanity. The climate crisis is the biggest problem facing the next generation, we have the moral and historic responsibility to act now."

– Gabriela Smith, Founder and Executive Chair

Announcement of 2023 Environmental Sustainability community partners

Working with community partners to support Environmental Sustainability in the Greater Washington region.

For Earth and for Us.


Environmental Sustainability is based on the belief that everything we need for our survival is dependent on the natural environment and that our health and well-being are directly tied to the health of our planet.


At Crimsonbridge, we believe that by working towards sustainability, we can create and maintain an environment in which humans and nature exist in harmony.

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Think globally. Act locally. 


The Greater Washington, DC region is where we call home - where we live, work, and enjoy the outdoors. Our effort to protect the air we breathe, the water we drink, and restore the natural environment from the impacts of climate change, begins here.


Since 2023, Crimsonbridge has awarded environmental sustainability grants to local nonprofit organizations serving our region. We are working with community partners to increase sustainability through tangible improvements to the environment, inclusive and informed community engagement, and green workforce initiatives. Join us as we act to conserve and protect our region's natural resources and environment for generations.

Get involved! Learn more about volunteer opportunities and the work of our Environmental Sustainability community partners!

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